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Issue Report Form
Thank you for reaching out to us about the website issue you are experiencing, we apologize for the inconvenience. For us to resolve this issue efficiently it would be great to have a bit more understanding about your experience.

Please provide a step-by-step video or description of the issue you are facing? If this is not possible, please provide screen shots.

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2.93 GB limit.
Jenis yang diizinkan: avi, mov, mp4, ogg, wav, webm.
Maximum 5 files.
Batas 30 MB.
Jenis yang diizinkan: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.

This platform is not intended for reporting adverse events or product complaints related to Boehringer Ingelheim products and conversations between individual members of the platform will not be monitored. Pertemuan atau pengajaran langsung dengan partisipasi BI akan dipantau dan semua kejadian tidak diinginkan dan informasi terkait keselamatan lainnya akan dikumpulkan, diproses, dan dilaporkan sebagaimana diwajibkan secara hukum.

If you need to report an adverse event or product complaint related to a Boehringer Ingelheim product, please follow the local processes which are outlined in the package insert or contact your health care professional. Situs web lokal Boehringer Ingelheim